During the first two years of being a license holder, you must complete 98 hours of Salesperson Apprentice 教育 (SAE) in addition to the 180 you’ve already earned to get your real estate license. Courses cover topics such as legal information, appraisals, brokerage, and investments.

The 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® has made it easy to complete your requirements with the 98-hour Texas SAE Package at tru.theceshop.com. Select Texas and Post-Licensing-Sales License to find the correct package.

The GRI designation counts as SAE, too

获得学位, REALTOR® Institute (GRI) designation also satisfies your requirements for license renewal. +, you receive a $50 discount when you sign up for a GRI class within your first year of membership. 访问abe-men.com/gri for more information about the GRI and to find your discount.

Learn more about education

Get answers to your questions about SAE or any other education-related issues here, or contact the 教育 Department.