德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® has been getting input from members 和 has created an Appraisal/Appraiser Workgroup to identify potential solutions.


Your 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 领导 Team has been listening.

评估存在一些问题. 有很多问题. 周转时间长, 在某些情况下成本很高, 关于地理能力的问题, 农村地区面临的挑战, 在高成交量市场受挫, 复杂属性评估的问题, 还有执照估价师的短缺.

我们如何解决这些问题? 我们解决了这些问题 在一起.

Solutions of this magnitude definitely require the work of a village. 以充分解决问题的范围, 国会将要求合作, 州政府和联邦政府的机构, 房利美(Fannie Mae), 房地美(Freddie Mac), NAR, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, 你当地的协会, 和 !

Within the real estate family, there are several opportunities

全国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会 has been focused on appraisal concerns dating back to 2013 和 prior. 目前, NAR has four member groups looking very diligently for solutions: Real Property Valuation Committee, 传统的融资 & 联邦财政政策委员会 & Housing Policy Committee, as well as the Public Policy Coordinating Committee. 这些委员会是起点
for receiving member input, conducting research, 和 formulating well-crafted policy positions.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® has been getting input from members 和 has now created an Appraisal/Appraiser Workgroup to identify potential solutions. 工作组, 由REALTORS®组成, 银行, 和估价, will serve as a think tank 和 clearinghouse for ideas 和 strategies on a path forward. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® also supported House Bill 2533, which allows Texas appraisers to complete evaluations without complying with the Uniform St和ards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). 评估, which can be done more quickly 和 potentially at a lower cost, can apply to transactions that meet specific criteria.

TREC / TALCB: The Texas Appraisal Licensing 和 Certification Board has been working on the Texas implementation of Practical Applications of Real Estate Appraisal (PAREA) recently adopted by the Appraiser Qualifications Board. PAREA will provide another pathway for aspiring residential appraisers to fulfill their experience requirement through online 和 virtual reality technologies in lieu of the traditional supervisor/trainee model.

您当地的REALTOR®协会: Many local boards are offering roundtables 和 education opportunities for REALTOR® members to become better acquainted with appraisal 和 lending processes.

你: 在一起, 你 和 I as REALTORS® have the most influential 和 relevant role in making an immediate difference in the lives of our buyer 和 seller clients. Here are a few actions we can take as REALTORS® in the field:

  • Stay open-minded 和 engaged with all parties 和 all steps in the process.
  • Get educated as fully as possible on depository 银行, 非存款银行, 评估管理公司, 以及评估要求.
  • Educate 和 consult 你r buyers 和 sellers regarding varying approaches by different lender types.
  • Build valuable mutual relationships with a range of 银行 who specialize in niche loan programs.
  • 投票给REALTOR®支持的候选人.
  • Respond to calls for action from NAR 和 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®.
  • 投资TREPAC.

Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; 在一起 we can do so much.”

Making the world a better place for buyers 和 sellers, 让买房变得更容易, 是我们的工作吗?. 这取决于我们所有人. 让我们尽自己的一份力量!