不知道你的选区是否变了? 不确定哪些候选人会出现在11月的选票上?


You can plug in your home address to find out which TREPAC-supported candidates will be on your ballot in November.

REALTORS® participate in political advocacy because it’s the best way to ensure the health of the industry. 你可能只是一个选民, 而是当2021十大正规彩票app经纪人共同行动时, 他们有154个投票权,在德克萨斯州的1700万登记选民中,有1000人, 这是件大事! What’s more, the way you and other REALTORS® vote impacts the day-to-day practice of your business.

2021十大正规彩票app业是监管最严格的行业之一. 每当提出可能影响2021十大正规彩票app的新政策时, 当REALTOR®的利益是立法者的首要考虑时,它会有所帮助. 该协会有句谚语:“如果你不在餐桌旁,你就是菜单上的人。.“通过参与政治宣传, the association can protect and maintain relationships with elected officials who can help achieve common goals. “TREPAC is regarded as one of the most respected political action committees in the state,2022 TREPAC主席南希·加西亚说. “人们知道我们是谁,也知道我们能把事情做好.”

The efficacy of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® support is evident from the success of RPAC- and TREPAC-supported candidates. 在3月1日的初选中, TREPAC在德克萨斯州的79个州和联邦竞选中支持候选人. Of those 79 races, the candidates in 76 races either won outright or headed to a May 24 runoff. 然后, during the May runoffs—which are always unpredictable—state candidates backed by TREPAC had an amazing 81% win rate. The one RPAC-supported candidate for federal office who went to a runoff also won his election. “通过参加投票, 您可以确保REALTORS®在学校董事会中继续拥有响亮的声音, 市议会, 县委员会, 立法机关, 全州范围内的办公室, 和美国.S. 国会大厦,”加西亚说.


要查看您的选民登记状态,请访问 teamrv-mvp.紧急求救信号.德州.gov / MVP.


作为该州私有产权的主要倡导者, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® already has established relationships with policy makers at all levels of government. 在经过审查的现任者已经证明他们与协会立场一致的竞选中, 地方委员会可以——也应该——尽早采取行动支持这些候选人. 在这些情况下, 可能没有必要举行候选人面试, though it is always recommended to visit with your elected officials during the campaign cycle to maintain good relationships and get campaign updates. Another form of early engagement is when a local board helps recruit candidates who are REALTORS® or who have otherwise proven that they care about private property rights.

在空位上, 或者是否可以重新考虑现任总统的支持, 地方协会可以选择筛选某一职位的候选人. 这是通过德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®候选人面试计划实现的. Local associations work with the Political Involvement Committee (图片) and other REALTOR® volunteers to recommend candidates. 最终, TREPAC support is determined based on factors that include a candidate’s positions on real estate issues, 候选人与当地协会的关系, 以及那个人获胜的几率. “如果你想帮助决定TREPAC支持谁, 你应该参与当地协会的政府事务,2022年图片主席J.R. 马丁内斯. “Local boards have the most say in which candidates ultimately receive TREPAC support.” 马丁内斯’s committee is responsible for promoting member participation in the association’s grassroots political advocacy initiatives. 这包括提供候选人筛选的州视角, 协助候选人的招聘和培训, 候选人面试, 促进投票率, 维持与民选官员的关系.

Get a customized voting guide listing the REALTOR®-supported candidates on your ballot.

访问 德州realtorssupport.com.

The 图片 also gives REALTOR®-supported candidates ratings dependent on their stances toward real estate issues and their history of advocating on behalf of private property rights. 按从高到低的顺序, 这些评级是REALTOR®冠军, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®倡导者, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®的朋友, 和现任.

After local boards make their recommendations for 立法 and statewide candidates, 这些2021十大正规彩票app被发送给受托人进行投票和最终批准. 德州联邦候选人, TREPAC受托人对RPAC的2021十大正规彩票app进行投票, 谁负责在这些竞选中支持候选人. 在地方选举中, 地方委员会完全控制哪些候选人将获得TREPAC的支持.


约90% 的德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®已登记为3月1日的初选投票.

96% of TREPAC-supported candidates either won their primary election outright or advanced to the May runoffs.

17.100万年 人们在德克萨斯州的初选中登记投票.


进入2022年11月, the state’s political landscape has shifted due to demographic changes and redistricting, a process of redrawing voting districts that occurs once every 10 years based on census population data. “今年, the results of redistricting reaffirmed Texas’s status as a ‘primary state’—meaning that, 在大多数情况下, 初选是最重要的选举,德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®政治事务总监Brandon Alderete说. 即便如此,今年11月的大选仍然意义重大. There are several races that remain contentious, and tides could turn in favor of either candidate. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®是一个专注于其成员成功的贸易组织, 消费者, 健康的2021十大正规彩票app环境. TREPAC supports REALTOR® interests by supporting candidates from both major political parties based on their views concerning real estate issues and not based on party affiliation, 党纲, 或者2021十大正规彩票app问题以外的其他问题.

“他们是决定你的商业环境的决策者,特雷·贝茨说, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®政府事务副总裁. “在大流行期间, the state’s top lawmakers were charged with deciding what businesses were deemed essential and allowed to operate throughout shutdowns. 2021十大正规彩票app也在名单上. 如果不是这样,我们就有麻烦了.”

The election this fall presents an opportunity for 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® to have an outsized influence on political advocacy because midterm elections have notoriously low turnout and REALTORS® are far more likely to vote than non-REALTORS®. 3月份选举的全州数据显示,REALTORS®投票的可能性要高出50%.

在2021年第87届德州议会期间, TREPAC-supported elected officials passed laws that reformed homeowners associations in favor of property owners, 扩展评估选项, 确保2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®能够在危机时刻提供他们的基本服务, 提高财产税的透明度. The association worked with allies on both sides of the aisle in the Texas Capitol to achieve those wins. Those partnerships were forged and solidified through participation in the electoral process.


  • 与当地的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®合作.
  • 每个德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®地区共有25名委员会成员.
  • Committee members selected by 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 领导 Team after undergoing an interview process.
  • 每位成员任期2年.
  • 监督政治节目,包括候选人招募和培训, REALTOR®和公众选民登记, 候选人面试, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®选民投票率, 机会竞赛(面向REALTOR®的政治竞选), 立法联络小组, 并呼吁采取行动.


  • 为当地筹集资金并分配支持, 立法, 以及全州范围内提倡房屋所有权的候选人, 保护不动产权益, 提高政治意识.
  • TREPAC有52名受托人.
  • 49名受托人由全体董事会选举产生,3名受托人由TREPAC主席任命. 这三名被任命的成员没有投票权.
  • 每名受托人的任期为2年,最多可连任两届. 在头两年之后,受托人必须再次面谈.
  • 投票通过当地对立法和全州候选人的推荐. 在联邦选举中投票向RPAC提出2021十大正规彩票app.